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Learn about the HeART Connection meditative art process.

Take a watch of the short videos that recap the HeART Connection Practice.  Reflective art making is an amazing tool in developing awareness about yourself and how you are truly doing.  

Each session is unique to the person.  Some intentions just scratch the surface.  Others are light and may even have humor.  And then there are the days that take a deeper dive.

Grief is present when there is a loss in life.  It’s complex, messy, confusing, and even chaotic.  It’s also loving, warm, insightful, and funny.

There are days lived moment to moment, breath to breath.  Grief changes over time.    You continue to grow and change…ebb and flow with hurts and  adjustments that come forward.  

You got this… especially when you regularly practice self care, reflection, and connect with your grief.

Couldn’t participate in a HeART Connection Sharing Circle?

Catch the Replay here!

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