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Individual Purchases & Refunds

This is in development at this time. In time, you will be able to gift a subscription or program to someone in your life. Hang in there with me... it's coming.

Coupons are available now and again. You are prompted at checkout to enter the discount code and it will be applied to your balance.

If you are unhappy with a program or purchase, please request your refund at [email protected] within 14 days of purchase.

Each course has an affilitated membership so you are able to receive program related posts and information as well as access to a program's Sharing Circle. Get a bang for your bucks by purchasing a Grief on the Go or Your Friend in Grief subscription to get an automatic discount on your Single Program purchase...

Organization Purchases

Multiple purchases are available. Discounts are automatically applied when you purchase in 50 count intervals. Then you share the purchase codes within your organization.

Purchase the Your Friend in Grief Annual Subscription rather than the Grief on the Go Quarterly. The same multiple purchase discounts are automatically applied at checkout.

Subscription & Program

The Quarterly Subscription is on a 3 month billing cycle. You will be billed quarterly until you cancel your subscription in My Account.

The Annual Subscription is on a yearly renewal billing cycle until you cancel your subscription in My Account.

Both Quarterly and Annual subscriptions offer automatic discounts for Single Program purchases.

You have access to any program for 365 days from the date of purchase. First 52 is the exception as it is available for 15 months from the date of purchase.

Programs are created with the knowledge of how bereaved process information. Grief is a tough adjustment time. It can take a few days to process an idea that you've just explored. May folks want to bee line to the end of the program. Grief is not like that. There are other aspects of Grief On the Go to fill the need for daily insight. Take advantage of the Monthly Subscription as well as the Individual Programs.

Grief on the Go Subscription is ideal for those experiencing Anticipatory Grief. HeART Connection programming is wonderful self care and awareness and that is included in the subscription. Additionally, regular posts create an environment for daily reflection as life changes.

Yes, grief is based on your own timing and processing. We go through a year of Firsts, then a year of Seconds and so on.. The next years we are still figuring out the new way of living. Stay as long as you would like...

Take the First Step

Grief on the Go is a resource for you. Many benefit from information and a little guidance while not everyone will need counseling. The fact is grief is life altering. It takes time to understand how grief is a part of your life.

Support on the Go...
Forward Thinking

Grief on the Go takes grief support out of the counseling room and puts you in the drivers seat of this profound loss and change in your life.

Tools for Real Life...
Actionable Content

Grief is busy and takes energy. Experiencing, understanding and processing may not look like much on the outside, it's very productive and active on the inside. Benefit from tools to use right away to deepen your personal understanding of yourself...

No Should, Would, Coulds here...
Encouraging Platform

You have your own experience with your loss that is unique to you. Information is presented as ideas that you can take or leave based on your life situation.

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