HomeGrief on the GoQuotes – Spreading Light

Quotes – Spreading Light

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” -Edith Wharton

Each day has its own trials.  It can be really tough to be that candle…  What is our purpose in being the light?  Is it for ourselves or for others?  Is there a pressure to light the way?

Some days the option is to be the mirror.  I see that a mirror holds the image of the light.  It makes it clear the light is present.  It shares parts of the light.  

Be the light for yourself.  Release any pressure of being a light for others.  You are in a place of transition… work on your own light.  And on those tough days, try to stay open to the light that surrounds you to hold and share bits and pieces as it seems right for you.

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