HomeGrief on the GoQuotes – Keep it simple

Quotes – Keep it simple

Simplify, simplify

Spring is in full spring… We normally start to get the urge to deep clean or clear the clutter.  When we are grieving, this time of year may also bring forth overwhelm as we look at all the things that need to get done.

We can apply this quote time and time again in our lives.  We can certainly make things really difficult for ourselves, OR we can choose to take a breath and simplify.

How do we do that?  That’s a good question…

How do you use lists? I personally am not a fan of lists and tend get overwhelmed.  I feel there is an expectation that I may not meet.  That’s exhausting.  I choose to make lists backwards.  I make a list of what was completed.  Seems silly, though it works for me.

Another thing that I do, sometimes, is I take post it notes and put them on a TO DO piece of paper.  When I get done with the item, I move it to the DONE piece of paper.  That way I can give myself credit for what I did accomplish.

Set Simple Expectations  Another idea is to simplify expectations for yourself.  Choose one thing to accomplish and do that one thing.  It’s wonderful to give yourself space to work at your own pace.

The “I will work on the closet” is too big, in my life.  The “I will go through sweaters” is much more realistic.  Little successes eventually equate to a larger accomplishment in time.

Who is setting the expectations?  Are they self imposed?  Are expectations set by another?  Is the expectation realistic?  What is not understood or complex?

Why work harder?  Work simpler!

What will you simplify today?

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