HomeThe Family DreamInfertilityHow will you respond to “THE QUESTION”- “When are you going to have kids?”

How will you respond to “THE QUESTION”- “When are you going to have kids?”

How will you respond to “THE QUESTION” – “When are you going to have kids?”

If your family holiday gatherings are anything like mine, the day is full of chatty relatives that just want to catch up. They have no idea the anticipation you have as you prepare for the event or the courage it takes to simply attend. You mentally prepare for “THE QUESTION” – the question many couples experience at these events.

“When are you going to have kids?”

That question alone can send you on an emotional roller coaster because you and your partner are keeping your fertility struggles private. They have no idea that you have just began testing because conception just hasn’t happened. Or they don’t know that your abdomen is bruised due to the hormone injections you have done this cycle. Or they don’t know that you just received news regarding the results of your last cycle.

You have many options in how you can respond. Remember to be kind to yourself and find a way to respond that matches your personality and comfort level of sharing. Chartreuse Center offers specialized counseling for fertility issues. I encourage you to visit the website to learn how you can be supported. You don’t have to struggle alone… you can renew your heart.

Visit http://www.chartreusecenter.com/fertility.html to learn more.

Learn more about Fertility Support Services with Chartreuse Center.

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  • Erin
    December 16, 2017

    Great post!

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