I began private practice in 2015. I found a need for specialized counseling and made a clear decision to be exclusive in my focus. I provide specialized counseling for fertility issues, perinatal support and grief in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago in Orland Park, IL. I love the work I do and enjoy seeing my client's progress.
- HeART Connection
HeART Connection, a meditative art practice HeART Connection combines mindful intentions with art making to...
$78.00 - Grief Self Assessment
GoGo Grief Self Assessment is a tool you can use to monitor changes in your grief....
$12.00 - First 52 – Lessons for Understanding YOUR Grief
“How do I get through this?” is a common and real question when in the...
$65.00 - Your Story of Grief
Each of our stories is unique and that is a wonderful part of life. 💛💛💛...
$65.00 - Kind Limits – Refining Relationships
Gentleness of Kind Limits It’s hard to see the big picture when we are newly...