Each of our stories is unique and that is a wonderful part of life.
You have your own story of living and grieving. These stories help you learn how to live in this new world while we grieve.
So many stories… Where do we start?
The program rotates through 11 topical prompts. This gives you some room to breathe into the process before going into the next topic. There is no “too slow” or “getting behind.” Videos are available to guide you within the program.
You have access to the Your Story of Grief Sharing Circles.
Sharing Circles meet twice a month. RSVP within the program or on the WatchMenu.
*** Sharing Circles provide an opportunity to share stories, talk about your experience within the process and connect with others. Sharing Circles are Live Streamed though they are NOT Recorded for future posting. The Live Stream remains available until the next Sharing Circle and then it is permanently deleted.
Lessons open in order of completion...
It’s important to go in order for this program… It’s created that way for your benefit. After You get through the program, I encourage you to return to relevant topics to your life.
I began private practice in 2015. I found a need for specialized counseling and made a clear decision to be exclusive in my focus. I provide specialized counseling for fertility issues, perinatal support and grief in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago in Orland Park, IL. I love the work I do and enjoy seeing my client's progress.