HomeTake a Look7 Week Mindset Reset – Take a Look

7 Week Mindset Reset – Take a Look

This is an example lesson within the 7 Week Mindset Reset. This is a wonderful tool that can be used anytime… to help center when stressed, to bring awareness to what is important in your life or to simply take in a moment.

Take a look…

You are beginning to explore your world around you this week. You got just a little taste with the color exercise from last week.

We naturally move away from and even resist some things while we move toward others. This is simply preferences.

  • Identify your preferences.
  • Understand your preferences.
  • Enjoy your preferences.

This is really important to know. Too often, I meet with folks that prefer solitude and suffer with their internal conflict with maintaining the appearance of comfort in social situations.

Or someone who feels isolated or misunderstood due to their interests or decisions for their life.

It’s wonderful to know what is uncomfortable or unpleasant for you. It really is. It’s equally wonderful to know what delights your senses or warms your heart.

Watch the video and complete the following activity. 

Get to Know You Activity

Journal: Create two columns. One column is titled: Move Away and the other column is titled: Move Toward. Identify 10 items for each column.

Go with your intuitive/gut responses.

To get you started, utilize your senses to connect with likes and dislikes in your life:

  • Initial responses to things you SEE
  • Preferred or dislikes regarding TASTES or SMELLS
  • What TOUCH is sought out or pushed away?
  • How does SOUND and HEARING touch your life?

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